Monday, August 5, 2013

What to get an entrepreneur for their birthday

It's August 5th and it's my birthday.  I'm 34 but I feel young, definitely more like 28 I would say...well screw it...make it 26!  In addition to all the Facebook love (thank you all), I'm energized by Event Farm beyond belief.  How could I not be…today is a big day!    Today is the day we relaunch Event Farm with our new brand and announce version 4.0 of the platform.  Deep down, I know this is a turning point for our company and these are days entrepreneurs never forget.  Getting to this point has been a grueling six months for all of us but today it's all worth it.  I'm probably most inspired by the fact that I can see where every single person on our team has left their mark on this company.  That's why you want to be a part of a startup in the first place right?

If you ask an entrepreneur what they want for their birthday, most will tell you they have everything they want.  That's what type A people do, they go out and get what they want and they make their dreams a reality.  But there are things out there that are only possible to get when a group of people create them together.   That's what I'm feeling today and it's powerful.  As you'll see on our new website, one of our core values at Event Farm is:  "Be You:  People make companies. Companies don't make people."   Collectively we have built a product and shaped our company.  We know what we stand for and we now have a brand that strongly represents that.  That's something an entrepreneur can't buy or go get on their own.   You have to earn it together. 

So on my birthday, I want to give a shout out "thank you" to the people that have given me this wonderful gift.  I'm humbled to be a part of a team that can create things this impactful.  Thank you - Todd, Justin, Rey, Nick, Tom, Brennan, Alex, Danielle, Stephanie, Christine, Elizabeth, Anthony, Claire, Taylor and from our rebranding team at Arnold Worldwide:  Meg, Kate, Brad, and Shannon.   You guys have made this a great birthday.

Have a look at the new Event Farm here: